How often in our lives have we absolutely known that something was certain, only to later realize that we are wrong?
Success requires knowledge, so if you want to succeed, you must be willingly to consciously acquire knowledge, never to live in the mediocre paradise of assumption. Someone once said that assumption is the lowest level of knowledge.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Knowledge as “The information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience” or “The state of knowing about a particular fact or situation.”
With the above definitions, it is obvious that knowledge is an essential tool for success. It is of practical value to learn about ourselves, other people and the world in general.
One of the key to success unlimited is developing a sense of certainty that success of whatsoever kind is achievable based on the knowledge that you have about the particular subject.
Knowledge will help you to expand as a person and make you take the necessary action to make your life and the lives of people around you to be worth living. When you have knowledge you have confidence.
Do you know where you’re going? If you don’t have knowledge of where you want to go in life or what you want to acquire, then the probability is that you’ll end up going no where! You can not get to the airports, seaport, and bus terminus or rail station without having a prior knowledge of where you want to go! Nobody will welcome you in.
Not everybody choose consciously to be a failure, but that’s where they end up. Once you take the initiative to develop your knowledge base, you will be geared up for success.
Napoleon Hill once said that “Most people condemn themselves to prison all their lives, despite the fact that they carry the keys to their prison without knowing that they possess them.” Knowledge is the key that can unlock your potentials.
Knowledge is what gives birth to every move on this earth. Every invention is a function of new knowledge. It is a lot easier to succeed when you have a knowledge of who you are, where you are, what you want, and where you are going.
Remember, knowledge is power! Knowledge is light! And ignorance is not an excuse in the law court.
En-route to success unlimited, we know that;
“It is time to seek to expand our knowledge base, so we can expand our success rate. It takes knowledge to make any calling a reality.”
- Bishop David Oyedepo
“The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity, no matter what may be his calling…the way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.”
- Napoleon Hill
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