
Audio Book

Friday, September 30, 2011


How often in our lives have we absolutely known that something was certain, only to later realize that we are wrong?

 Success requires knowledge, so if you want to succeed, you must be willingly to consciously acquire knowledge, never to live in the mediocre paradise of assumption. Someone once said that assumption is the lowest level of knowledge.

 The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines Knowledge as “The information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience” or “The state of knowing about a particular fact or situation.”

 With the above definitions, it is obvious that knowledge is an essential tool for success. It is of practical value to learn about ourselves, other people and the world in general.

 One of the key to success unlimited is developing a sense of certainty that success of whatsoever kind is achievable based on the knowledge that you have about the particular subject.

 Knowledge will help you to expand as a person and make you take the necessary action to make your life and the lives of people around you to be worth living. When you have knowledge you have confidence.

 Do you know where you’re going? If you don’t have knowledge of where you want to go in life or what you want to acquire, then the probability is that you’ll end up going no where! You can not get to the airports, seaport, and bus terminus or rail station without having a prior knowledge of where you want to go! Nobody will welcome you in.

 Not everybody choose consciously to be a failure, but that’s where they end up. Once you take the initiative to develop your knowledge base, you will be geared up for success.

 Napoleon Hill once said that “Most people condemn themselves to prison all their lives, despite the fact that they carry the keys to their prison without knowing that they possess them.” Knowledge is the key that can unlock your potentials.

 Knowledge is what gives birth to every move on this earth. Every invention is a function of new knowledge. It is a lot easier to succeed when you have a knowledge of who you are, where you are, what you want, and where you are going.

 Remember, knowledge is power! Knowledge is light! And ignorance is not an excuse in the law court.

En-route to success unlimited, we know that;

 “It is time to seek to expand our knowledge base, so we can expand our success rate. It takes knowledge to make any calling a reality.”

-          Bishop David Oyedepo

“The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity, no matter what may be his calling…the way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.”

                                                               - Napoleon Hill

Monday, September 26, 2011


Our habits have all what it takes to pull us towards success or towards failures. Habit is just anything that you do often and in most cases you do it unconsciously. Just as there are successful habits, there are unsuccessful habits as well. The success that we have and the failures that come our way is as a result of the habits we have formed overtime.

We are not born with habits, God gave humanity the entire privilege to create their own their habits, all the habits we have today are all learned. This is how habits are formed. Most of the thoughts that occupy our mind tend to influence our decisions, and it’s our decisions that determine our actions. And any action you do repeatedly with time, it will eventually turn out to become your habits. And your habits pull you towards success or towards failures.

Orison Swett Marden says “The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread, but every time we repeat the act we strengthen the strand, add to it another filament, until it becomes a great cable and binds us irrevocably.” The truth is that we first form our habits and later our habits take charge of our lives. Habits are powerful, they reflects what is in our minds.

When you do something everyday, it becomes your habit either good or bad. So you must consciously select the thoughts that dwells in your mind. Because before you know it, it will become a habit. And habits can be the best servants or the worst master. You can direct your habits or your habits can direct you.

Most of the successful people  you have seen and heard of took their time to build successful habits. One of American’s notable inventors George Washington Carver says “Ninety-Nine percent of the failures come from people that have the habits of making excuses” come to think of it, he is saying the truth.

A good habit or a bad habit is a matter of choice. Remember it takes twenty one days to form any habit. If you want to form any habit, repeat an act for twenty one days and it will sure become your habit. If you want to develop the habit of reading, set out some hours of everyday to read, do it continuously for twenty one days, it might be difficult initially, but keep doing it, after twenty one days, you will no longer force yourself to read.  If you want to be doing twenty sit ups and press ups everyday, do it for twenty one days and after twenty one days you will find yourself doing it without much stress.

Smoking is one very strong bad habit that a lot of people finds difficult to leave. If indeed you want to stop smoking, discipline yourself to steer clear from cigarettes for twenty one days, I know it’s going to be difficult, just do it. After twenty one days, you would have succeeded in dropping the habit of smoking. It’s applicable to any habits whether good or bad.

Well I will still advice that if you want to stop any habit; you must be willingly to substitute it with another habit that you would want to imbibe into your lifestyle. It works and it can work for you as well. Remember you can only hold one thought at a time in your mind either positive or negative. This is Julienne Berk’s view “Habits…the only reason they persist is that they are offering some satisfaction...You allow them to persist by not seeking any other, better form of satisfying the same needs. Every habit, good or bad, is acquired and learned in the same way - by finding that it is a means of satisfaction”

Your habit is your second nature. Success requires that you make good habits your second nature. Make up your mind to build good habits, go through the process of twenty one days. The process has the credentials to help you build good habits. Never allow negative habits ruin your present and your future. Remember it will take you twenty one days of discipline to start seeing consistent changes in the way you think and act. But I know it will be worth it.

En-route to success unlimited, we know that;

“We are what we repeatedly do; Excellence is therefore not an act but a habit.”
                                                                                     - Aristotle.

“Choose the life that is most useful, and Habit will make it the most agreeable.”
                                                                                     - Sir Francis Bacon

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


There was once a young graduate who went from office to office in search for job. He did all he could do but still could not secure a job for himself. He came home one night after all the stress he had passed through during the day to think of how he can survive.

Strolling through the streets in his neighborhood, he observed that since there is no power supply a lot of people resign to the use of candles to produce illumination for themselves.

A thought prompt up from his mind “what if you start supplying candles in this neighborhood to people who sell candles? “ he quickly engaged his mental faculty and starts thinking of how to develop the idea.

He came up with an action plan. He prepared a questionnaire and distributed it to the people that sell candles in his neighborhood. In the questionnaire, he asked if they will want him to supply candles for them at a price less than they would get in the market.

The marketers agreed with him. Instead of spending transport to go buy candles, they would rather spend just the cost of the carton of candles they want.

The young graduate went to see the wholesale distributor of candles and made a deal with him, he gets the candles at a very cheaper rate, sells it to the retailers and makes his profits.

He did it for a while and realized that it was a brisk business and he could actually become rich from it, he quickly made enquiry on how to manufacture candles and later went ahead to establish his own candle factory with the money he made from supplying candles.

Today he is very wealthy and has become one of the major distributors of candle in his country.

Tough challenges, failures, and even disappointments can help you realize the only option left – what you have in your hands. The fact is that if you want to succeed in life, you must learn to make use of what you have now! Not what you intend to get later.

Never build your life based on what you intend to achieve, but rather build your life acknowledging and developing the potentials that you have now.

Have you ever found yourself in a condition where you it seems as if you have nothing left to aid your success? Think again before giving up. There’ll always be something in you that can produce outstanding result if properly harnessed.

God did not import or invent any special tool or machine before telling Moses to divide the red sea, but rather He made use of what was in Moses hand, a rod. “But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” – Exodus 14:16

Stop complaining of what you don’t have, but rather start making use of what you have in your hands. That is where success starts from.

En-route to success unlimited, we know that;

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.”
-          Richard Nixon

Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want.”
- Geoffrey F. Albert

By, Solomon O’chucks Nwokoro.
Motivational cum Inspirational Speaker.
Phone: +234~802~850~9077, 809~850~9077, 803~763~1557
© 2011son                                                                                                          
~When God Is Involved In Any Dream Or Mission, Success Is Unlimited™~

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


There is always a form of divine help that accompany real time success. Some people see it as a form of luck, and some others call it “the Hand of God!”

Certain breakthroughs or achievements that we get that is beyond the figment of the imagination of the educational elite in our world or achievements that can hardly be explained by any principle or school of thoughts are called divine help.

On our quest for success, we must realize that God or whatever name we chose to call him has a major role to play in the success we achieve. The earlier we recognize that, the faster and better we will get to our destination.

Our maker will be delighted if we get Him involved in our daily quest for success. He owns the master key to any form of success that we can imagine or think of. Welcome his help, and you will see what divine help can do for you.

The successes you can achieve are unlimited when you welcome divine help. There are certain forms of knowledge that is accessible to only those who seek divine help. No wonder Zig Zigglar said that “If man can take moldy bread and make penicillin out of it, then just think what an awesome God can make out of a man or woman He created in His own image.”

Never nurse the ambition that you can succeed without divine help. Remember the Engineer that constructed the Titanic ship. He was so certain of the works of his hands, that when asked if the ship has the tendency to sink, he said “Not even God can sink the ship.” But what happened, the Titanic sank.

On 27th October 2002, I had the privilege of visiting the world oldest ship called Doulos. The ship was built in 1914, barely 2 years after Titanic. I asked why the ship is still active. I learnt from one of the crew member that the name Doulos is a Greek word used in the Bible. It means servant.

Doulos is a servant of God, and it is still the oldest, active ocean-going liner afloat going round the world. Are the engineers that constructed Doulos better than those who constructed Titanic? I don’t know. But what I know is that it‘s certain that Doulos has received divine help.

I absolutely believe in divine help. My own experience about divine help is that whenever it looks like I’m in a fix, God will just come in and show me the way out. It doesn’t cost Him a split of a second to make you who He wants you to be.
The smart people in our world today do not just rely solely on their ability, but they also rely on the ability of God to help them.

When you’re honest with yourself, it gives God the room to operate in your life. God will always give you supernatural confidence. Count on him, He can never fail. Beside He has never failed before.

The world has not seen anything yet! When you believe in the God factor in success, you will continue to do the impossible and people will continue to marvel at your success rate.

En-route to success unlimited, we know that;

“When God is Involved, Success is Unlimited!”
- Solomon O’chucks Nwokoro

“Success is noblest when it leaves you with the self respect that you have been a good steward of the life, liberties, possibilities, and opportunities that God offered to you.”
                                                                    - Dr. Robert H. Schuller 

By, Solomon O’chucks Nwokoro.
Motivational cum Inspirational Speaker.
Phone: +234~802~850~9077, 809~850~9077, 803~763~1557
© 2011son                                                                                                          
~When God Is Involved In Any Dream Or Mission, Success Is Unlimited™~