Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom. Two of the ship's owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lunched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed!
After a week, the owners received a bill from the old man
for ten thousand dollars.” What?!" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did
So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an itemized bill."
This was the bill the man sent to them:
Tapping with a hammer ........................ $2.00
Knowing where to tap ........................ $9998.00
The message is very clear! Effort is important, but knowing where to make effort in life makes all the difference.
Many of the world’s successful people constantly program themselves so that they instinctively react to various situations in a manner that will provide them with the greatest possible benefits, just like the old man did in the story above.
You can become successful in your chosen field or whatsoever endeavor your find yourself if only you can learn how to make use of your initiatives. You will be ahead of your colleagues; they will look up to you for assistance, because you don’t rely on the status quo to get things done. You do things differently, tactically and with great speed.
Come to think of it, initiative is a special kind of action, it means doing something worthwhile without been told to do it. The person with initiative has a standing invitation to join the elite in every business and profession that he belongs.
Many people make life unnecessarily difficult for themselves by dissipating power and energy through fuming and fretting rather than making use of their initiatives.
It’s sad to realize the number of unsuccessful people who are hampered and made miserable just because they fail to make use of their initiatives to direct their lives towards success.
Initiatives will not only make you more effective, it will also save you huge amount of time, because you won’t have to reinvent the wheel, you can fine-tune it, reshape it and perhaps even make it better than it used to be.
Remember, one of the keys to success unlimited is making use of your initiatives. It allows you to grow and take necessary action to make your life and the lives of those around you worth living.
We have that same key at our disposal every moment of the day, at any moment we can make use of it to shape our destinies and to make sure that we are going where we want to go to in life.
En-route success unlimited™, we know that;
“There are four types of people in the world; those who watch things happen, those who let things happen, those who ask what happened and those who make things happen.”
- Myles Munroe
-Abraham Maslow
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Have you ever heard the story of the impossibility of running a mile in less than four minutes? Several years ago, people believed that no man born of a woman has the strength and speed to run a mile in less than four minutes. Infact history has it that people went as far as drinking tiger’s milk and the Greeks even use lion to increase the speed of the runners so that they can break the record, but to no avail. They came to a conclusion after they have done all that was possible, but still could not break the record that it is impossible to run the mile in less than four minutes.
In 1954, a Physician called Roger Banister believed that he can run a mile in less than four minute. He refused to settle down for the status quo of the day. He ran the mile in less than four minute; he set a record of running the mile in 3:59:4 minutes. Roger Banister challenged the status quo and he indeed set the pace for people to believe that they can run the mile in less than 4 minute, and a lot of people have done just that after then.
Too often in life, we settle for less than we truly deserve, we settle for less than the best, we settle into a set way of thinking and accept limitations that need not be placed upon us. We help maintain the status quo. You can hardly become a champion in anything if you chose to settle for the status quo.
Psychiatrists say that there are only two fears that we are born with. One is the fear of falling and the other is the fear of loud sound. All other fears are learned. The fear of going beyond the status quo is a learned fear, we allow the society that we live in to determine how successful we can be. Remember the society can stop you temporarily, but you are the only one who has the sole right to stop yourself permanently.
For civilization to continue, people must be willing to break the status quo ante. Bill Clinton during one of his address to the American people said that “I have news for the forces of greed and the defenders of the status quo: your time has come -- and gone. It's time for change in
Overtime we have heard of how experts and professionals established reasons why some things can not be changed but some people neglect their facts and establish a new order. Wilbur and Orville Wright did it, Christopher Columbus did it. Roger Banister did and a lot of people have done it. You can do it too.
Never allow anybody to place limits on your potentials and don’t tell anybody that they can’t. Learn to encourage people, tell them that they can do it. The truth is that you can do all things. One of my favourite quotes from the Bible is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:9 indeed not even the status quo or any established order can stop me from maximizing my potentials.
Laurence J. Peter is reported to have said that “Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.” Don’t be overwhelmed by any established order. You have all what it takes to prove that the world is wrong. Funny enough many people accept the status quo and never reach their true potentials. Remember the noise of the sea will not stop the fish from sleeping.
For you to get to where you are supposed to be in life and have the desires of your heart, you have to get beyond the status quo. Your biggest challenge is to break the status quo at your prospects if indeed you want to set a new record here on earth. Your ability to trust yourself, to test your limits is the courage to succeed.
- M. Sainer- Lagu
- John C. Maxwell.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Too often in life we give up on our dreams when faced with difficulties just because we believe that the barriers that stand against us are insurmountable. We resign to fate. The truth is that our optimism can actually give us the results that we want from life.
If you are an incurable optimist, doors that seems to be shut forever to those who are not will be opening for you like magic in their very eyes. You will live your life in such a way that you only think of the best for yourself and others. And you always expect the best from life.
Jesus Christ the greatest teacher of all time said “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” –Mark
Indeed all things are possible to him that believes. Optimism will always give you what you desire. Every successful person that you see around you is an optimist; for sure pessimists hardly become successful because they are not believers.
There are certain doors of opportunities that can only be opened for the optimist. Optimism always pays a long term dividends. You can not be an optimist and still be a failure.
If you must succeed, you must first believe that you've been blessed with all it takes to be successful, and for sure you will be successful. Besides you must first become your first believer before any body can believe in you.
The incurable optimist never sees an end to the quest for success without achieving the success they desire. What looks like an end is a bend to them. That is the main reason why they are successful.
The incurable optimists don’t necessarily need to see any sign before they believe. They know that there is always a bright shinning light at the end of every tunnel. They know that the sun will always shine after the rain.
In the greater scheme of things don’t you think that positive mental attitude will produce positive impact in your life just as negative mental attitude will produce negative impact? I feel that is the way things work.
You as an individual have the sole right over your belief system. You alone can choose what you would want to believe, but I can assure you that if you are positive about life, if you can always see the good side in what the average person will see bad, if you can live life without complaining, you are on your way to high level success.
No matter how fantastic your plans, goals and dreams might be, if you are a pessimist, you can hardly succeed, remember, one of the secret of success in life is for a man to believe that he has all what it takes to succeed and he will sure succeed.
En-route Success unlimited™, we know that;
“The Optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.”
- Winston Churchill
“The world today admires and adores Martin Luther King Jr., not because of his eloquence or oratory skills nor because of his martyrdom. He is celebrated, I believe because of his vision of the possibility of total freedom and liberation for his black people and ultimately, for the entire nation.”
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
There are some situations where all you can do is to simply let go and move on, gather courage together and choose a direction that carries you towards a new dawn.
So pack up your troubles and take a step forward. The process of change can be tough but think about all the excitement ahead if you can be stalwart enough!
There could be adventures you never imagined just waiting around the next bend and wishes and dreams just about to come true in ways you can’t comprehend!
Perhaps you’ll find friendships that spring from new interests as you challenge your status quo and learn there are so many options in life and so many ways you can grow.
Perhaps you’ll go to places you never expected and see things that you’ve never seen, or travel to fabulous, faraway worlds and wonderful spots in between.
Perhaps you’ll find warmth and affection and caring – a “somebody special” who’s there to help you stay centered and listens with interest to stories and feelings of your shame.
Perhaps you’ll find comfort in knowing your friends are supportive of all that you do and believe that whatever decisions you make, they’ll be the right choices for you!
So keep putting one foot in front of the other and taking your life day by day. There’s a brighter tomorrow that’s just down the road.
Don’t look back!!! You’re not going that way!
Author Unknown
Success is a journey whose route is always under construction, and its destination can not be defined with a single word or phrase. Success is indeed unlimited. As mortal, you can not attain the peak of success, just as perfection can not be attained in this terrestrial world.
When you are transformed from mortality to immortality; from terrestrial to celestial, there and then you can think of getting to the peak of success. But as long as we live here on planet earth, as long as we still go about with flesh and blood, we will always strive not just to break or equals people’s record, but also to break our own records.
An Economic principle states that “Human needs are insatiable”. It’s a fact because people often wonder why many millionaires or even billionaires will keep accumulating wealth despite the fact that what they have is more than enough to carter for their children, even to the fourth generation and beyond.
Whether you believe it or not, Success is indeed unlimited because it doesn’t have a standard of measurement. So never compare the success you have now with the success of others.
The easiest way to live a satisfied life is to determine your life goal, chart a course and navigate towards your goal at your own pace.
Remember success is not what you have achieved in comparison to what someone else has achieved, but what you have achieved compared to the goals you’ve set for yourself.
So be strong, be courageous and be passionate as you travel en-route success unlimited. Never settle down when you’ve achieved some form of success, because before you know it, your feat today may likely become obsolete tomorrow. Keep striving, use success as a spring board to achieve greater success, take one step at a time – not one step forward and two steps backward.
Today is a new day, a new beginning for your quest en-route success unlimited! With determination and discipline, you will be highly amazed at how much progress you’ll make. Commit yourself to it! Go for it! Because you can never walk backward into the future!
En-route Success Unlimited™, we know that;
“Every Compliment sets the stage for another improvement.
Every Accomplishment sets the gage for a higher measurement.
Every achievement turns the page for another treasure hunt.”
-Dr. TL Osborn.
- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.